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Registration Costs

Registration Costs

Lacey Little League remains the lowest cost registration in Ocean County.
Total Registration cost for 2025 Season is $310 (See details, Teeball and Additional Players Below)

  • Registration cost - $110 (No change from the last 6 years - All Players receive a Jersey and a Hat, and covers the costs for Baseballs, Equipment, Umpires, Insurance, Little League Charter Costs, etc.)
  • Volunteer Workbond - $100 - This is refunded to you for supporting the league as a Manager, in the Snack Stand, or field duty, if available.
  • Fundraiser $100 - 5 BaseballMania tickets @ $20 per ticket - In 2023 Lacey Little League Families won over $2500!
  • Note: All details are Spring Season Only
  • Additional Family Members are $95 per player / $70 Per Teeball Player - No Additional Fundraiser or Workbond Costs
Teeball Player - $270
  • Registration cost - $70 (All Players receive a Jersey and a Hat, and covers the costs for Baseballs, Equipment, Insurance, Little League Charter Costs, etc.)
  • Volunteer Workbond - $100 - This is refunded to you for supporting the league as a Manager, in the Snack Stand, or field duty, if available.
  • Fundraiser $100 - 5 BaseballMania tickets @ $20 per ticket - In 2024 Lacey Little League Families won over $2500!
  • Note: All details are Spring Season Only
  • Additional Family Members are $95 per player / $70 Per Teeball Player - No Additional Fundraiser or Workbond Costs

Workbond and Fundraiser
Getting your money back?

All players/families will have the opportunity to get back $200 by: 

  • Completing four work bond hours - $100 back
  • This can be achieved by working the snack stand and field duty, if available.
  • Selling your fundraiser tickets - 5 BaseballMania tickets @ $20 per ticket
  • Tickets are registered to Little League Families - Checks to winners are mailed directly to you.
Registration Grants
Little League International and T-Mobile have a partnership that can help qualifying families cover their registration costs.  Go to the Call-Up Grant Homepage to apply directly to T-Mobile. 

T-Moblie Call Up Grant

If you are approved, T-Mobile will send a pre-paid debit card to you directly that you can use to cover the Registration costs.  T-Mobile Call Up Grant does not cover Fundraising Costs or PPD.  Additional hardship requests should contact the Lacey Little League Board directly and will be considered on a case by case basis, contact [email protected] 

Ways to Register

Register online anytime
Log into your Lacey Little League Account to view available programs.

What Division to Register for Spring Season

Lacey Little League Divisions
Teeball - (Ages 4-7) Our first introduction to baseball
Junior Minor -
(Ages 6-8) Non-Competitive Instructional baseball - Player & Coach Pitch, *6 Year olds are not permitted to pitch or be pitched to by other players.
Senior Minor -
(Ages 8-10) Semi-Competitive Baseball - Keeping Score, Coaches in the Dugout, Player Pitched, Stealing - Yet still focused on learning the game.
Majors -
(Ages 10-12) Competitive Baseball on 46/60 Field - This is the Division that goes to the Baseball World Series in Williamsport, PA
Intermediate -
(Ages 12-13) - Competitive Baseball on 50/70 Intermediate Field
Juniors  -
(Ages 13-14) - Competitive Baseball on 60/90 Field
Seniors  -
(Ages 14-16) - Competitive Baseball on 60/90 Field
Little League Divisions

  • There are overlap in divisions to ensure the right experience for every player, Ages 6, 8, 10 families can choose if players are ready to play at the next level.
  • We recommend every player plays at least 1 year in every division
  • We don't recommend you rush your player to the next level
  • Little League Board will assess players after the first practice and may move players for safety reasons

2025 Little League Age Chart
Age Chart or Determine Age

The Age Determination Date for a Little League baseball player is the actual age of a child as of August 31 of the current year. (Note: The Age Determination Date for a Little League softball player is the actual age of a child as of December 31 of the previous year.) These respective dates identify the “league age” as it relates to a player’s eligibility to participate in any of Little League’s divisions of play.

For example, if your Little League baseball player was born on 2/23/2014, he is "league age 11" for the Spring 2025 season.

Required Equipment

1.  Baseball Glove

The number one rule of thumb when looking for a glove is to try a few on to make sure they fit and feel good.

2. Protective Cup

All boys are required to wear a cup under their pants for all baseball events.

3. Baseball Cleats

Players are permitted to wear cleats or spikes on their feet.  For Major Division and below, plastic cleats are to be worn.  In the Intermediate 50/70, Junior and Senior Divisions metal cleats may be worn.

4.  Batting Helmet

The batting helmet should fit snug.  If the helmet moves around too much, then it’s too big.

Helmets should sit 1 inch above the eyebrows

Helmets should sit evenly on your head, not be pointed upwards or downwards

All helmets should be stamped with the NOCASE certification.  

*The League will provide Team Helmets. 

5. Bat

All bats must have the USA Baseball stamp on them as shown below.  Any other bats are prohibited from use in Little League practices or games.

*The league will provide team bats.

* The bat should reach, but not exceed, your child’s hip.

* Bat weight is measured in minus or drop weight, the difference between the length and weight of the bat.  A 30-inch bat that ways 20 ounces is a drop 10 or –10.  The larger the drop weight the lighter the bat.

6. Catchers Gear

It is optional to have your own catchers gear. The league will provide gear to all teams.


You will need to complete the volunteer application, submit to a background check and attend a safety clinic prior to the start of the season. Dates for safety clinics will be announced as we approach the start of the season.
Please find the links below.

Registration Listing

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.

Thank you to our Local Sponsors

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