1. Baseball Glove
The number one rule of thumb when looking for a glove is to try a few on to make sure they fit and feel good.
2. Protective Cup
All boys are required to wear a cup under their pants for all baseball events.
3. Baseball Cleats
Players are permitted to wear cleats or spikes on their feet. For Major Division and below, plastic cleats are to be worn. In the Intermediate 50/70, Junior and Senior Divisions metal cleats may be worn.
4. Batting Helmet
The batting helmet should fit snug. If the helmet moves around too much, then it’s too big.
Helmets should sit 1 inch above the eyebrows
Helmets should sit evenly on your head, not be pointed upwards or downwards
All helmets should be stamped with the NOCASE certification.
*The League will provide Team Helmets.

5. Bat
All bats must have the USA Baseball stamp on them as shown below. Any other bats are prohibited from use in Little League practices or games.
*The league will provide team bats.
* The bat should reach, but not exceed, your child’s hip.
* Bat weight is measured in minus or drop weight, the difference between the length and weight of the bat. A 30-inch bat that ways 20 ounces is a drop 10 or –10. The larger the drop weight the lighter the bat.

6. Catchers Gear
It is optional to have your own catchers gear. The league will provide gear to all teams.